Sunday, October 15, 2006

Harris Teaches Electronic Voting

Straight from Katherine Harris website, the following skinny on Mark Foley."

Washington, Oct 4 - U.S. Representative Katherine Harris (FL-13) today released the following statement concerning the Mark Foley matter:

“Former-U.S. Representative Mark Foley’s reported conduct is profoundly disturbing and morally reprehensible. I strongly support a swift and full investigation as to who may have been involved in covering up improper or illegal activities. We must ensure all appropriate steps are taken to protect the children who serve as Congressional pages”.

Photo above, Harris instructs child how to use Diebold electronic voting machine.

1 comment:

pineapple said...

What a terrible picture of Katherine Harris! I'm can't believe she didn't move that child over so we could see how much bigger her chest has gotten. But I am glad to see that she is teaching the children of Florida how to commit voter fraud at such an early age.